Holiday Stress: How Acupuncture Can Help | Brielle Integrated Healthcare

Holiday Stress: How Acupuncture Can Help

The holidays are a wonderous time of year, but along with wonder also comes stress, anxiety, and bouts of the holiday blues. Between travel, family reunions, parties, gift-buying frenzies, and additional pressures along with normal everyday life, the holidays are a particularly stressful time of year. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of a stress-free holiday (or at least a lower stress one!): acupuncture at Brielle Integrated Healthcare.

What is acupuncture?

Age-old Chinese wisdom sees the physical body as a collection of energetic fields. If the body is in a state of good health, it has optimal energy flow, and if the body is in an unbalanced state, it creates energetic blockages. Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing tradition, promotes the body’s healthy energy flow and opens the blockages that may lead to physical and emotional disorders. It has been proven by numerous scientific studies to be one of the most viable and effective alternative methods for healing and overall well-being.

How can acupuncture lower my holiday stress?

Studies show that most Americans report unhealthy levels of stress, and this time of year these stress levels are even worse. Acupuncture’s healing properties provide a safe, natural and cost-effective (sometimes covered by insurance!) treatment to reduce holiday stress. Here are just a few ways how….

Mood Enhancement.  Between everyday worries and holiday stressors, it’s no wonder we suffer from mood swings. Acupuncture can offer significant relief in this department. With the application of acupuncture needles, your central nervous system becomes stimulated and releases endorphins and other chemicals that will lift your mood. This will lead to less anxiety and a more positive mindset.

Headache Relief.  Do you suffer from holiday stress headaches? Acupuncturists treat this condition by carefully placing needles near specific nerves that offer a pain-reducing effect.  Endorphins that relieve pressure are released and help with discomfort of recurring headaches and migraines.

Sleep Quality.  Sleepless nights are often an unfortunate side effect to holiday stress. Acupuncture will help by increasing your body’s natural ability to produce melatonin – the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycles. It will help restore your natural ability to fall asleep (and remain asleep!).

Energy Boost.  With all the holiday parties, events, and family get-togethers, it’s easy to feel sluggish and feeling sluggish doesn’t help in the stress department. Acupuncture can provide the energy boost you need as it fights off exhaustion, aids in balancing the body’s energetic field, and gets rid of “brain fog”. As a result, it leads to a state of ease, increased physical stamina, and mental clarity.

Interested in Acupuncture?  Call Brielle Integrated Health today! 

Go ahead and treat yourself to the gift of acupuncture this holiday season! For more information on our acupuncture treatments at our centers in Central New Jersey and Southern New Jersey, please call us today at (732) 756-1082!